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Need a good Private Tutor (who I can actually talk to)

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Need a good Private Tutor (who I can actually talk to)

I would need them not only for F8 but other Skills Module Papers (F6-F9). I study via an online Distant Learning Program but the Tutors available via my Approved Learning Provider can only be accessed via email or chat. I do not find this very effective in particular during review month if I want feedback on practice questions and certain topics that require discussion. I need someone who can guide me through this ACCA road and whom I can schedule a call with when I need to. I am located in Belize -Central America.

June 12th 2018 AN ACCA USER 1 Report

4 Replies

+1 Vote

Hi there,

This might be of interest, you will be added to a whatsapp chat and free to ask questions at anytime.
The lecturers name is Shameed Abraham and he can be contacted via:

Telephone/WhatsApp: 1 868 713 6619
Facebook: Abraham Consulting & Training

I see you are already enrolled in classes, but the script marking service might be of interest you.
Read the below

What's Available:

F8 - Entire Course Pre-recorded
The entire F8 Course covered over seventeen 3 hr lectures INCLUDING a full 3 day Study School/ Revision course.
This package includes all handouts and material - students who are accustomed to my teaching style would know that there is no need to open a textbook in any of my classes and the same applies here with the material I will supplying to accompany the recordings.
This is extremely convenient as it takes the hassle out of commuting and having to turn up to physical classes as well as the priceless benefit of being able to pause and revisit any lecture at your convenience - You never miss a class !
You will be added to a Whatsapp group chat upon registration and you can benefit from loads of updates and reminders and intel on the paper and exams over the duration of the term.
Access to first two classes available before any payment is made to assess lecturing quality is also available - Nothing to loose !


Based on a serious need for students, both first timers and those resitting to see exactly what they are doing wrong in the exam in terms of their writing and presentation of answers which at the end of the day determines the result, I will be launching a Script Marking service where questions can be attempted , marked and discussed via online sessions.

Lots of students fail exams over and over again and are clueless about the reasons why, this attempts to drill down into their specific issues and goes behind the scenes so to speak in a way that you can never really get from an average class aimed at syllabus coverage.

Please do not compromise your chances of passing with ease and as quickly as possible - seeking out the best quality tuition should not be a trivial matter - consider it an investment in your career and future.

Students are taking forever to qualify lately because of a host of reasons not to mention poor quality lecturing which do not prepare you to PASS an exam as well as not willing to invest in QUALITY !

Contact me directly for info on these sessions and anything related to the above.

All the best to everyone and thank you as always for your support !

Attachments area

June 19th 2018 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

Contact me on +923062404510

July 10th 2018 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

if you need help with studying papers of acca then do connect with me on facebook or on whatsapp.I am based in Pakistan willing to help local students pass ACCA exams
facebook Link=
whatsapp +923062404510

July 20th 2018 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

Hi try this,

They provide online but Live tuition in small groups, so you can interact with your lecturers and other learners.

August 23rd 2018 AN ACCA USER
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