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How to know if my position has any professional relevant experience

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How to know if my position has any professional relevant experience


Can anyone tell me when or how I can ask whether any of the task I am performing in my current role can count towards professional relevant experience?

I always assumed it didn't but since I learnt you can claim a proportion of your current experience according to the proportion of relevant tasks you are performing, it could be that some of the task I am doing could count towards relevant experience.


January 15th 2018 AN ACCA USER

1 Reply

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Good afternoon José Luis
You will need to log into your MYACCA click on experience record. Click on objectives on the too of the screen and read the 20 performance objectives provided there. From that you can determine if what you do on a day to day basis meets any of the objectives listed.

You can also ask your supervisor for his/her assistance /input because your supervisor is one of the persons who will signoff/ verify your work performance.

I hope that this helps.

January 16th 2018 AN ACCA USER
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