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P2 changes after june 2017

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P2 changes after june 2017

I am going to sit first time for p2 in june 2017. I will try my best to pass it. My question is if I fail it in june 2017, will new changes from September will affect me drastically ? Will the stuff I will read for june 17 exam will be wasted? On acca website it says syllabus will stay the same its only exam paper will change. Please advise should I go for June 17 or should I go for September 17? many thanks

January 16th 2018 AN ACCA USER

2 Replies

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January 16th 2018 AN ACCA USER
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Hope you are doing well. The syllabus content will remain the same from September 2018 onwards sitting the change is the style of questions. The specimen papers are given on ACCA website.

May 7th 2018 AN ACCA USER
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