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Looking for a Study buddy for P1 and P3 for June 2018 sitting - UK

+3 Votes
Looking for a Study buddy for P1 and P3 for June 2018 sitting - UK


Anyone looking for a study buddy in London/Luton? I have booked two exams for June 2018 and I would like to start preparing for them as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance,
Chandani Hirani

January 18th 2018 AN ACCA USER

5 Replies

+1 Vote

Even I have booked for P3 june 18 exam but I m in New Zealand.
I have passed P1 while ago.
If need my help let me know.

February 1st 2018 AN ACCA USER 3 Reports
+1 Vote

I'm look for study buddy for P4, P1 and P3.
Want to take in June 2018.
I live in city London.

February 7th 2018 AN ACCA USER 2 Reports
+1 Vote

Hi please WhatsApp me I don't know how to reply on this.


February 26th 2018 AN ACCA USER 1 Report
+1 Vote

Hey Chandani,

I'm based in Beijing, China. and I was studying ACCA in London, UK in 2014. I have put the exams on side for a while and recently get back on the track. I'm going to sit P1 this June, and it seems the last chance for all the attendees who passed P3 already.

I'd like to be your buddy for this coming session and please throw your whatsapp account through this post thread.

The tuition material I'm using is from BPP and those study notes I took back from London years ago. Thankfully the primary content of the paper hasn't changed much.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

For anyone who is sitting P1 exam in June 2018, I'm happy to study and interact further about its knowledge with you. whatsapp: 008613671169055


April 17th 2018 AN ACCA USER

Edited April 17th 2018 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

Hello Chandani,

Are you still studying for P1 in June 2018?

April 25th 2018 AN ACCA USER
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