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F5 effective preparation for third attempt

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F5 effective preparation for third attempt

Please guide me, what should i do? I felt very disappointed on my second attempt. Want to give third attempt in june, Please anyone guide me how can i prepare for it effectively???

January 29th 2018 AN ACCA USER

5 Replies

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You are doing self study or what? If yes then go for online lectures.


January 30th 2018 AN ACCA USER
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since you are writing the paper for the 3rd time now, i am going to assume that you already have a basic idea about what is there in the syllabus. that means that all you have to do is revise the areas you are weak in and watch some revision videos. you said you are going to write it in june so there will be onlivne revision sessions held from acca pakistan in may, most probably. if you want to get an idea of these classes, then you can take a look at the link that i am going to include at the end of this reply. in F5, since the paper has 70 marks mcqs, it is best if you concentrate on your mcq solving ability. the remaining 30 marks are constructed response questions. so for that, first do the questions in your revision kit. its great if you finish them once and if you hav time, do them again. and if you still have time, the you can do past exam questions.

link for revision classes:

thats the day 1 revision class

January 30th 2018 AN ACCA USER
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first ask yourself y did i fail and the previous attempts.... Most of the time we are aware of this. What are topic areas that are challenging to u, practice these areas under exam condition. IF you work hard on these the next exam will be more attainable seeing u have cover the syllabus so many times.

January 30th 2018 AN ACCA USER
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Also try not to become wary because of the many failures. let it be a motivation. and pls u must study with the effort like u have never sit the exam before. dont be dismayed. RESPECT the paper, accept the challenge

January 30th 2018 AN ACCA USER
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I failed F5 3 times and the fourth time I passed 65%. I did self study and made use of notes which also provide past question on each topic, as you read on. Along side with acowtancy note, I used bpp. However, for the 3 times I failed, what I used to do was to answer section c first. So by the time am through, no enough time is left for the rest sections.

What I did differently in my study time was to read the technical article on the areas I found challenging. There is an hint on how to answer questions on performance analysis and variance.
I also did lots of past questions. I didn’t just work through the question, my aim was to find out the lay out of answering those questions especially section A and B, because I knew that was my weakest area. Then I started with section A and B in my exam because for the 3 times I failed I scored 48 (In addition for section A and B make sure you are comfortable with costing techniques especially ABC and throughput. Decision making techniques too).
Another thing you should no is that if your workings in section C is wrong, don’t bother about it (if no enough time). Do the discussion part in relation to the answer you got in your workings. That was what I did, knowing that my variance result was wrong, I focused my reason for the variance on the result I got. I didn’t stop or get confused because of my wrong workings, I just continued.
I hope this helps

February 5th 2018 AN ACCA USER
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