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Looking for P1 and P2 books for June sittings

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Looking for P1 and P2 books for June sittings

Ideally around Bristol area

March 6th 2018 AN ACCA USER

4 Replies

+1 Vote

Hey I am based in Ireland and have lecture notes (from a platinum provider here in Dublin ) and the study materials for both subjects. BPP for P1 and Becker for p2.

April 8th 2018 AN ACCA USER 2 Reports
0 Votes

Could you please send me the book for P1?

April 26th 2018 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

I need P1 material

May 20th 2018 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

May you kindly send me the study material for P1 and P2. Thank you.

February 16th 2019 AN ACCA USER
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