When we give answers in professional level in which manner the answer should be , I mean in bullet point or paragraph ? Give the best format to be used and if there is a question and do we have to give theory notes as well before we make computation part. For instance let's say question about grants and I ask Do I have to make clear it is a revenue grants and etc... before I commence calculation?
First thing you should always have at the back of your mind when answering professional exam questions is that you are a professional. ACCA assumes you are one so you best put yourself in that light. How would a financial adviser advice wealthy clients how would a financial manager or Director provide advise to management.
With that said professional answers has to be in three phasess Theory Scenario application value adding
You state the theory based on the question so whoever your audience have an idea of what you are talking about and then explain the issues found in the scenario in accordance to the theory and not just stating but adding value through analysis and evaluation in other words what do you think will be best in this scenario given your knowledge
In Summary professional papers are Application papers. Follow this process and you will realise different answers will be available for different scenarios