Hello guys Looking for recent study resources (examination kits, notes, pass cards, etc) for P5 (Advanced Performance Management). I will really appreciate it. Kindly send to me by mail at kwameotiduah@gmail.com Thank you.
I have some but are not recent, They are for the period ended 31June 2017
Can someone please share the material from LSBF, notes and videos.
Hello, Even i am looking for the same, if get anything can u please share with me. My email.id. gauravmlsolanki@gmail.com
Thanks & Regards Gaurav Solanki
Hello, I am looking for the same too. Could you please send to me if you get the resources? My email is cindychristanti1992@gmail.com Thank you very much.
Kind Regards, Cindy
pls share with me if you got what u were requesting for.
Jean Claude Ngabonziza pls kindly share what u have. even though old but it might help.
grundoo@hotmail.com thanks IBRAHIM