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has the F9 - Financial managment - study text material changed from 2017/2018 sittings? can i use same study materials?

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has the F9 - Financial managment - study text material changed from 2017/2018 sittings? can i use same study materials?

Are All exam study books from 2017 / 2018 exam sitting still the same for 2018/2019 exam sittings?
Has the course syllabus and content for the Financial Management exam been changed .

Would it be ok to continue to use the study materials i purchased for the 2017/2018 courses for the current EXAM sittings??

July 2nd 2018 AN ACCA USER

1 Reply

+3 Votes

No there are no amendements to the you can use the material you have.
Visit the link

July 3rd 2018 AN ACCA USER
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