Hi, I'm currently working at banglore in India. Looking for tutor to teach F7, I want to attempt in December 2018.
Best Regards Harsha
if you need help with studying papers of acca then do connect with me on facebook or on whatsapp.I am based in Pakistan willing to help local students pass ACCA exams facebook Link=https://www.facebook.com/heart.snatcher.16 whatsapp +923062404510
Hello Harsha.
F7 is all about having IFRS knowledge in preparing Financial Statements for a Single company, merging the financial statements for two companies, analysing the performance of a company by reviewing its financial statements that is using ratios or cash flows.
Its best if someone has given F3 paper because then the basics and foundation for F7 paper will already be built, and if its not then you need a tutor who is willing to help you teach from basics, which is very much achievable. You can contact me at 00965-65854800 (whatsapp). I am a tutor myself for F7 based in India.