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Material needed for F6 Taxation UK Sep 18 exam

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Material needed for F6 Taxation UK Sep 18 exam

Hi everyone,

Just a question to ask about the revision materials recommended for F6 Taxation UK Sep 18 exam please? I now only have 1 month left for revision and I have not yet purchased any materials yet.

Currently deciding between Kaplan and BPP's materials. But most people around me said textbook is not essential and said I could skip text book but to practice more questions instead. Any suggestions please? Many thanks.

July 29th 2018 AN ACCA USER

1 Reply

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Good thing with F6 is that there is a set pattern of exam,
10 marks of Inheritance Tax
10 marks of VAT
Trading Income/Capital Gains/Corporation Tax will make the 40 marks of your practical portion.

As far as needing a book is concerned take an E-book from somebody who has it rather than purchasing it now and try to go through it once if possible because there are a lot of theoretical mcq's in exam.

I can guide you properly on F6, if you feel like needing assistance you can contact me on
Whatsapp +91 9650663763 or

July 29th 2018 AN ACCA USER
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