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Best self study material ?

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Best self study material ?


I am going to start preparing for the ACCA exams. Unfortunately, i have no access to any learning providers (that i know of).

So I decided to self study, what are the best self study material, someone gave me the Kaplan material for the financial reporting exam, does anyone know if its great ?

Also, what exam did you find most intertesting and most appropriate to start with from f5 thru f9.

Thank you in advance :)

August 26th 2018 AN ACCA USER

4 Replies

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Hi Ghaida,

I have been using since i started my ACCA journey and have 2 papers left. they are free ACCA tuition provider and provide great help and supports too. you can ask questions and get replied at any point in time.

here what i have been doing.

use there resource to learn the knowledge and read their exam technique, join wattsapp group to share ideas and free study material from approved provider. most important point to emphasis on is revision kit make sure to find one and use it along side optntuition material and advice.

best of luck with your journey

August 27th 2018 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

Kaplan resources are much easier and helpful
I have found kaplan very useful and passed 8 papers by practicing the exam kits and after finishing kaplan I practiced BPP revision kit too.

I think if you are self-studying then, you should try LSBF video lectures and kaplan kit
It will be very helpful for you.

August 28th 2018 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes


I would suggest BPP text books and P&R, I think it makes it easier to do self study, If you needed more explanation you could go to
And it also depends on what you like yourself than others, because some find F9 easier, some find F7 or even F8, but the question is are you good in numbers or written? Then choose which one to do.

Hope that helps.

August 28th 2018 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

I have used OpenTuition and practice and revision kits from BPP and Kaplan (find BPP better but it's just a matter of personal preferences).
Read the technical articles and watch any postcasts available from ACCA website and practice as many past papers as possible.
For me that was enough.
Just one exam to do.

August 28th 2018 AN ACCA USER
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