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Guidance needed for AFM self study

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Guidance needed for AFM self study

I am studying AFM on my own. I have BPP Study Text and Kit. But I am confused how to study. I have started with kit but I have not the underlying knowledge to attempt kit questions. Also if i start with study text, i find it difficult to link it to relevant kit questions. What should i do?

September 7th 2018 AN ACCA USER

2 Replies

+4 Votes

Hi Syed,

AFM is very technical paper and in order to clear you must be able to understand the basic knowledge and use it to develop a good and well constructed answer. the exam technique is completely different from other paper, thus what worked for you in other papers will like P2 for instance will not work for you on other papers.

Here what I suggest to you, but please remember whats work for me does not necessarily works for you.

First, ensure have a good and sound knowledge of the basics. this will be obtained and built by going through the text book step by step. do not start with the kit straight away as there will be no point starting to solve questions and you do not understand the logic behind each requirement. once you have summarized and understood the basics then move on to solve questions. I use Kaplan and they do break it into section for instance investment appraisal part is one section.

The next step, make note of the errors you made during solving question from the kit, then go back to your knowledge ask yourself why have a done this wrong ? is it because miss understanding the requirements, lack of basic knowledge or math skills? and work through improving each week point you identify.

Third step is when you finished each topic then go back recap and see how much you have improved. and tray to link topics to each others for instance WACC and business valuations.

Fourth, technical articles available on the ACCA website make sure you go through them, understand them and adapt there approach on solving or explaining something.

Finally, the last two exam papers are not included in the Kit so make sure to use them as a mock to test yourself under exam conditions and rework towards improving your speed and time management as well as assessing yourself, find a study buddy a good one if you can let them read and check your answer and share their ideas with you on how you could have done better.

by the way is enough to get the basic knowledge

Sorry for the long reply and i wish you the very best of luck in your journey.

September 15th 2018 AN ACCA USER 1 Report
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I feel u~ if u wish to do together u may email me at

November 24th 2018 AN ACCA USER
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