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Is there a recommended order to sit the applied skills level?

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Is there a recommended order to sit the applied skills level?

I have just started my ACCA and I am currently studying for law, can anyone recommend what I should move on to? Any modules that link that should be taken together or sat one after the other. I am part time studying so I am planning on just completing one exam each sitting. Thank you in advance.

October 6th 2019 AN ACCA USER

3 Replies

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no such order.

you can do any paper you want

October 8th 2019 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

I'm also part studying and have finished the Fundamental Level half a year ago.

There is no strict order, for instance, you can take PM or TX first because they are largely unrelated with the other three papers in applied skills level, but I strongly recommend you to take FR before you attempt AA because in AA you will have to understand relevant knowledge related to IFRS, for example the accounting treatment for intangible assets, before you can learn how to audit relevant issues.

Other than that you can take the rest of the papers in any order. From my personal experience I would rank their difficulties in the following order:

PM > TX > AA > FR > FM

I'm currently preparing for SBR and AAA at the same time and am going to take both exams in December session. Feel free to contact me via email if you have any further questions.

October 8th 2019 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

hi iam preparing for corporate and business law f4 if you want to study together then email me

October 14th 2019 AN ACCA USER
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