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If you are talking of SBL, please forget the numericals.!! Reason being already the first 2 levels of ACCA exams are sufficient to test your numerical ability. At a strategic level you are expected to be an organizations CEO.
SBL is all about strategy and leadership and in having the maturity to steer organizations in a given situation. Most numericals or reports will already be available and be ready for you in the question itself.
All you need to do is to interpret the results and take decisions in the context of the organization that has been given for you.
So for SBL focus on the core areas of SBL - Strategy, ethics, leadership, technology, organization structure, different models like BCG, McKinsey's 7S, Porters model etc.
Thats all!!
SBL is the only ACCA exam with highest pass percentage of 55%!!
I cleared SBL in my first attempt with just 2 months of preparation. So focus on the core topics and develop the habit of writing a lot of answers under exam conditions. Solve past questions from the ACCA site.Dont miss even one of the solved paper provided in ACCA site. You will develop language flow once you go through all of that. So ensure to do that.
This will enable you to have flow during the exam and you will not be struck up. Remember to use the models in your answer.That is what they are looking for. All the best for you.Wishing you success in Sep 2020 exam.