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need help for unit 7 of Ethics module, beeland

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March 25th 2020 AN ACCA USER 1 Report

Recategorized October 19th 2022

3 Replies

+2 Votes

Please send me the answers if you have got it...

February 5th 2021 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

need help for unit 7 ethics module for question. What would the predicted ticket sales with the following data:

Distance from capital Population Ticket barrier Demographic profile of town Predicted sales
150 15000 30000 3 ???
-How much additional profit would be generated if $250,000 were spent on automated ticket barrier investment?
-How much extra ticket sales are generated per 1,000 population on the nearest $?

April 30th 2020 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes
oh please help with answer if gotten. thank you so much. preferably how you got it.
November 18th 2022 AN ACCA USER
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