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Is it possible to pass 3 exams in one session f5 f8 and sbr?

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March 31st 2020 AN ACCA USER

2 Replies

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No, because F and P papers belong to different exam levels. P paper can only be taken after the completion of all of the F papers.

April 5th 2020 AN ACCA USER
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You can take these 3 papers for the same period but you need to see the schedule exam days for those papers and determine whether it is fine for you. Some may find it tiring for consecutive two days due to their work commitment etc.

From my friends experience, they have passed two out of three. Passing depends on understandability and knowledge on the papers of individuals ,so sitting for the exam will enable one to determine from the results.

For June 2020 exam, most of the countries are not able to sit for exam. So if its September, there's still a period for revising.

April 15th 2020 AN ACCA USER
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