I am looking for a study buddy or a study group for SBR September 2020
Hi Ann,
I am doing sbr (intl) in Sept if you still want study buddy.
I'm writing SBR(Int) in September 2020. I'm interested in a study buddy.
I am doing SBR this september too and i would like to join you
Sure Ann Mary. I am doing SBR and ATX (Irish) in Sept. Would volunteer for being a study buddy.
Hi Ann Mary, I am studying SBR (Intl) too.
Hi, I am as well doing SBR and ATX (Irish variant) on self study. Would be happy to be study buddy.
Hello Ann Mary,
I am preparing for SBL and have completed the SBR paper. I don't mind helping you out. You can contact me at yashchoudhary.16ac@cmr.edu.in.
Regards, Yash
Doing sbr and SBL in London. Shaz.wase@gmail.com
Hello Ann Mary I am taking SBR as well. I am new to the ACCA. Would you accept to work together. Thankyou!
I have plans to start it maybe tomorrow or so and I am looking for a study buddy too ! If you all are interested we can get in touch via mail ( @jassighai.jg@icloud.com )