Title: Booking and preparing for your remote on-demand CBE Date: Thursday, June 25, 2020 Time: 02:00 PM British Summer Time Duration: 1 hour
Join ACCA's Head of Customer Engagement, Juli Speirs, and ACCA's Head of Professional Education, James Patrick, as they introduce and demonstrate the steps to book a remote On-Demand exam.
The webinar will also signpost useful support resources, providing guidance and tips to be fully exam ready.
Watch it on demand, here.
Dear Sir,
I am an ACCA student studying to accomplish the Business corporation Law F4 exam.
I read all the required description to take the exam remotely.
My monitor computer is 15, not 17 as required. Can I still be allowed to take the exam remotely? Is there any change in the syllabus 2020 August.
I am currently living in Manchester, UK.
Thanks Mouna
More info can be found on our remote on-demand CBE page. It's also worth checking out our exam support resources.
We also have an interactive guide to syllabus changes, which can be found here.