hey ?? anyone interested in online sessions etc revision !! ya , i do know tax is a dry subject so i am not able to keep up with it. I would like to practise and have ppl , groups ec so we could work together ?? (also know that only 3 weeks away , im so blank bout INCOME TAX BTW) and do contact me via mail:hannahgloria2002@gmail.com ya i dont have a number so... ya Hannah Sunil is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Hannah Sunil's Personal Meeting Room Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/9519657030?pwd=S3IzUFJIcjNmWEZxcWhESHhLYnF1UT09 Meeting ID: 951 965 7030 Passcode: 119363
Hi Hanna. I would also participate if you let me know what's the method you're using to study?
am sitting for advance taxation.. i have a room mate who is sitting mfir his first skill paper F6.. so i do give him a lot of tips.. maybe i i cou be of some help.. just lemme know.. i would be happy to give tips and tricks.. bilalqureshi300@outlook.com good luck