I am also attempting AAA in Dec 2020, we can coordinate accordingly if you want me to be your study Partner.
I’m Attempting AAA in December .
Am in Uganda & preparing for AAA for Dec 2020
Hi. I am also interested for AAA study buddy. Please let me know if you are interested at laiq.hussain@outlook.com. or whatsapp +992930908902. Thanks,
Also, doing AAA in Dec 2020. Please add me to the whatsapp group +447525209826
Hi! I will also be attempting the AAA examination this December. Do let me know if you're interested. Drop me an email at vani89_hari@hotmail.co.uk
Hi I'm also sitting AAA in December. Please whatsapp me +447471933731 or email me amina_03@hotmail.co.uk
Hey Im sitting for AAA in December 2020. Plz add me if you are creating any group.
I'm attempting for Dec 2020exam.Pls add me if you are creating any group
Hi, I am David. I am interested in a study group. Please contact me or add me to any existing group that would be helpful. My contact details are +2349076456450 and dvdadache@gmail.com. Much appreciated.
Hi, My name is Ahsan and I am attempting AAA in Dec 2020. Can you please add me to the group, my number is 00447974328353. Thanks