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December professional exams

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December professional exams

Hi all,

I was wondering how many of you haven't been able to sit the remotely invigilated exams this week?

Thank you in advance


December 11th 2020 AN ACCA USER

Retagged December 11th 2020

2 Replies

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Hi Caltalina

I could not take my AFM paper this morning remotely as the site crashed! Did you have the same problem?!


December 11th 2020 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

I sat SBR and finished and submitted. And it was seen that m yexam finished 13:28 gmt +3. But I mailed ACCA if my exam was submitted. 2 Days later I got a response that my exam was terminated due to technical reasons. It is a total shame. Maybe there are thousands who don't know if their exam was submitted.

December 13th 2020 AN ACCA USER
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