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Exam results APM December 2020

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Exam results APM December 2020

Hello all, I failed the December AFM exam and it was a shock to me today. I learned with a bpp book, bpp practice kit, online course and I did all the exams and online seminars from ACCA. It really seems to me that the grading is not objective and I would like to learn about your experience.

In all the online seminars ACCA says that argumentation can be different and it is okay, as long as the right theory is applied and the answers are structred. However, from my experience I can say that they look for exact answers in their answer block which seems to be unreasonable for an argumentative exam.

I will be happy to hear from you!

Regards, Anna

January 18th 2021 AN ACCA USER

Retagged January 18th 2021

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