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Planning your study

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Planning your study

An effective study plan will help you to structure your revision time from now until exam day.

Take this opportunity to become familiar with the exam and ACCA resources available to support you in your studies.

  • For each exam, we have introductory videos that provide a useful overview of that subject. Here's an example for PM.
  • You should also take a look at the 'Planning your study' pages for the exam you're revising for. Here's one for SBR.

Make sure to start using the ACCA Practice Platform early in your studies - completing your practice in the CBE environment is an important part of exam preparation.

We wish you the best of luck with your learning and revision! Remember to reach out to your fellow learners on the community for support.

January 19th 2021 AN ACCA USER

Retagged January 20th 2021

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