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I have PM/F5 and FM/F9 left to do, does any order in particular make studying them easier? F5 before F9 or does it make no difference?

+1 Vote
I have PM/F5 and FM/F9 left to do, does any order in particular make studying them easier? F5 before F9 or does it make no difference?

In theory, it seems that both are equal steps up from MA/F2, but do people feel it's easier to understand them in a particular order?
I'm planning to do FM/F9 first (due to the courses available) but I'm nervous about maybe making the wrong decision...
Please share your experience! :D

February 7th 2021 AN ACCA USER

Recategorized February 17th 2021

3 Replies

+1 Vote

Both subjects are completely different maybe there are similar topics, so it doesn’t matter which one you do first. Since accounting is usually core subject for all ACCA students, then F9 can be taken first

February 9th 2021 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

i have also left fm and pm
please contact mail

February 16th 2021 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

Hey, I just cleared FM with a global rank, I'm willing to private tutor if you need some help grasping the content, Contact me at

February 17th 2021 AN ACCA USER

Congratulations.  What’s the mark for the global rank you have achieved.  I like to know how did you study ? what materials did you use? How did you achieve such a good results.  Please advise.
Thank you.
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