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How can I improve my analysis skill for " Interpretation " in FR?

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How can I improve my analysis skill for " Interpretation " in FR?

This is utterly scarce. I know numerous information about ration and can compute all of them. However, some questions which types of interpretation and analysis are harsh to overcome. Can anybody help me out handling it? I surely want to receive some tips and tricks which back me up in my FR exam. If someone wants to assist me, you will be able to get in touch with me thanks to the following email address.

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Kind regards

Orkhan Rzazade

February 8th 2021 AN ACCA USER

Retagged February 8th 2021

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Practice as many questions as possible.
For relations between working capital, debt, equity, stakeholders, draw up table and ask questions that if one account/ratio changes what are the consequences or who is effected & why.

February 9th 2021 AN ACCA USER
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