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Study buddy F3

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Study buddy F3

Looking for a study buddy (or 2) SERIOUS BIZZ.
Preferably female since I'll be comfy that way. English (or Urdu) speaking.
(And someone who's yknow, a good student. I don't wanna be held back. Im a good picker and wanna have a partner on equal wave length )

February 19th 2021 AN ACCA USER

Retagged February 19th 2021

9 Replies

+1 Vote

Hi, I’m a female from england so english speaking, I’m planning on sitting this exam in april/may time, if you wanna study i’m more than happy to help out, you can email me and we can arrange a group or something, let me know

February 19th 2021 AN ACCA USER
Hi I just joined ACCA and my first exam I am looking to take is Financial accounting. My email
Looking forward hearing from you
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Hi Waania Naseem, I am also preparing for the FA exams and I can be your study partner. I am a male and a fast learner as well.

February 19th 2021 AN ACCA USER
Hi Derrick, I’m also looking for a study buddy for the FA exam. Please do share the WhatsApp group if one has been created.
Thank you
Hi Derrek. Im so sorry for the late reply. I didn't get email and thought no one replied to me. if you guys wanna set up a group lmk. Or leave me your email if you wanna discuss first.  Mines
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Bit of advice
Make sure to go through Study Resources of ACCA website even technical articles

February 19th 2021 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

Hey dear There is a YouTube channel who is Explaining ACCA subject papers in Hindi
And Hindi is similar to Urdu

Hope it was Useful

February 24th 2021 AN ACCA USER
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Hey Waania, I am planning to attempt FA in the End of March. So I want to cover the whole syllabus as fast as I can. Contact me on my Email: or my Whatsapp: 00923123389014

February 28th 2021 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

I'm appearing in FA and BT in may. My first exam. Urdu speaking.

March 7th 2021 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

I'm a girl, even I need a study buddy for FA, BT, LW (specifically any one is also fine)... If interested e-mail me.

March 8th 2021 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

Hi Waania ! I have passed my F3 exam in Feb 2021 with 98 marks, if you need any help ,you can contact me

March 20th 2021 AN ACCA USER

Edited March 20th 2021 AN ACCA USER
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Dear all, nice to know you. I'm new here and am going to take the FA exam on this December 2021. Let's we work together and pass the exam:)

My name is Koh Kok Siang, from Malaysia:)

also feel free to contact me. here is my email:

July 10th 2021 AN ACCA USER
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