Looking for a study buddy (or 2) SERIOUS BIZZ. Preferably female since I'll be comfy that way. English (or Urdu) speaking. (And someone who's yknow, a good student. I don't wanna be held back. Im a good picker and wanna have a partner on equal wave length )
Hi, I’m a female from england so english speaking, I’m planning on sitting this exam in april/may time, if you wanna study i’m more than happy to help out, you can email me harjotbasra1996@hotmail.com and we can arrange a group or something, let me know
Hi Waania Naseem, I am also preparing for the FA exams and I can be your study partner. I am a male and a fast learner as well.
Bit of advice Make sure to go through Study Resources of ACCA website even technical articles
Hey dear There is a YouTube channel who is Explaining ACCA subject papers in Hindi And Hindi is similar to Urdu
Hope it was Useful
Hey Waania, I am planning to attempt FA in the End of March. So I want to cover the whole syllabus as fast as I can. Contact me on my Email: khizersultan16@gmail.com or my Whatsapp: 00923123389014
I'm appearing in FA and BT in may. My first exam. Urdu speaking.
I'm a girl, even I need a study buddy for FA, BT, LW (specifically any one is also fine)... If interested e-mail me. rouchelle.christy@gmail.com
Hi Waania ! I have passed my F3 exam in Feb 2021 with 98 marks, if you need any help ,you can contact me ibshamahmadkhan@gmail.com +923126215736