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Practice Tests Not Saving Answers

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Practice Tests Not Saving Answers


Have any other students using a mac had trouble with the on-demand practice tests? Every test I have tried (including the specimen) is not saving my answers. The progress bar shows that I am 0% of the way through the exam when I have answered several questions. I have sent a message to ACCA but the problem has not been resolved. I have been told to clear cookies and not to use a VPN. But as I don't use a VPN and I regularly clear cookies, none of what they recommended has helped. I have also disabled all advertisement blockers and extensions on my computer in an effort to find what is causing the trouble. I do not think that this is caused by any lack of internet.

I have take all the foundation papers FA1-MA2 and never had an issue before. I am now preparing for FBT.

If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this please let me know. Thank you

February 22nd 2021 AN ACCA USER

Retagged February 22th 2021

3 Replies

+1 Vote

Its not working on any device. I tried on everything, its not fit for purpose. I talked with other students as well and they experienced the same.

February 23rd 2021 AN ACCA USER
Thanks for the reply. OpenTuition recommended changing the web browser as I am using Safari, but I have not tried yet because ACCA are still looking into it. I have also not been able to login to MyACCA this afternoon. If you get anywhere please comment below.
+1 Vote

Hi there, sorry to hear you are having technical issues. It sounds as though you have already contacted ACCA about this, but we recommend using either Chrome or Firefox browsers to access the tests.

If you are still unable to access myACCA, please email so our team can investigate this for you. Thanks - ACCA Community Manager.

February 24th 2021 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes

Thank you for the replies.

I have downloaded FireFox and both the specimen exam and the on-demand practice tests are working.

Thank you for your help.

February 24th 2021 AN ACCA USER
Great! Thanks for letting us know : )
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