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Just starting studying FA and MA for exams in June

+3 Votes
Just starting studying FA and MA for exams in June

Looking for a study buddy or group who are studying these same modules.

March 15th 2021 AN ACCA USER

Recategorized August 16th 2021

2 Replies

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Give me your WhatsApp number

March 15th 2021 AN ACCA USER
Hey Alam I would also be be taking these exams in June and would like to join the group. My number is +12049514968
I would like to join this group too. My number is +447478747707. Thank you
Hi, is there a link to join this group anywhere?
6352886491 i want to join too
0 Votes

Hie , I'd like to join as well . my number is +91 7012815383

March 23rd 2021 AN ACCA USER
I also want to join +8801975008038
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