Can anyone please suggest a best online SBL tutor for Sept 2021??
I passed SBL in Dec 2020 under the guidance of CA Krishita Paryemalani. She is an excellent teacher and I have scored the highest in SBL than any of my papers. You can contact me if you require her number. Otherwise Check out AK's academy on Instagram and contact her from the number given there. Definitely worth it.
You can Check with FinTram Global where the SBL Course is delivered by Mr.Pankaj Dhingra.He is an experienced Finance Professional and approaches topics through Case Study method.You can check some of his Videos uploaded in Youtube.
Also use Opentuition Lectures extensively as they cover every topic in the Syllabus in detail and they are absolutely free of cost.
The best SBL tutor for SBL is David Laws and Hassan Dossani. David Laws teach in London School of Business and Finance (LSBF) and Hassan Dossani teach in VIFHE. for LSBF: For VIFHE: