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June exams: one week to go

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June exams: one week to go

You're almost there! This is your final preparation for the June exam session. Here are some tips for the last stretch:

  • You should be set to complete at least one full mock exam under timed conditions
  • The more you practice in exam conditions, the better prepared you'll be on the day. 
  • Debrief your mock exam thoroughly. Be honest and self critical
  • If you are taking a remote exam, it's a good idea to perform a successful system test again in the room you intend to sit the exam in. Enable cookies and disable any popup blockers, close down all other applications and shut down your device before exam day.

Remember to get enough rest and look after your wellbeing during what can be a stressful time. Keep hydrated, take regular breaks - especially from your screen. 

Some useful ACCA resources: 

  1. Think about exam technique
  2. Know the exam essentials
  3. Get remote ready
  4. ACCA's wellbeing hub
June 2nd 2021 AN ACCA USER

Retagged June 2nd 2021

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