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+3 Votes

I am a mature student lots accounting experience in industry and practice however missing the professional qualification, I be really grateful for any advice or tips and suggestions.

I am looking to study F1 and F2 over 4 months full time passed F3 then F4 to F9 in three sittings next year summer autumn and winter with two examinations at each sitting does this plan timetable seem possible full time?

I am  unfortunately with long term illness which means I have this opportunity and at least like to return back to work with something useful and achievement in 2023

I welcome an students thoughts and wish best thought for everyone studying

November 24th 2021 AN ACCA USER

Retagged November 24th 2021

1 Reply

+1 Vote

Welcome to ACCA! There are lot's of useful resources on the ACCA website, follow this link for Business and Technology

For advice on how to plan your pathway through education, and the things to consider along the way, our Preparing for Exams hub is a great place to start. It provides you with all the information and advice that you need to get started on your ACCA study journey.

Best of luck :) 

November 26th 2021 AN ACCA USER
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