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FR Exam: Excel Spreadsheet

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FR Exam: Excel Spreadsheet
Hello. I hope that someone can assist me. How can I insert a row in the excel spreadsheet for the FR exam. Also, is it possible to copy and paste parts of the question into the worksheet to save time in the exam. I was not able to do so in my first FR exam attempt.
December 8th 2021 AN ACCA USER

Retagged December 8th 2021

1 Reply

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Hi there. It is not possible to insert an additional Row into the spreadsheet response option, however you can cut and re-paste your answer as an alternative.

You should also be able to copy and paste parts of the question into the response options, if this is not working for you try logging back into the practice platform.

We would encourage you to review the downloadable guidance document for the Applied Skills exams available on this webpage which reiterates the points made above and provides detail of the full functionality of the CBE interface.

December 10th 2021 AN ACCA USER
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