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Sbl acca platform answer area
Sbl acca platform answer area
I have visited the acca past practice platform for SBL I couldn't help but notice that we have three answer areas first is word then excel then slides .My question is how would I present our answer??? How would I start my answer so that it is convenient for the marker to read???
February 6th 2022
February 6th 2022
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When I did the SBL exam in December 2021, I wrote all my answers, expect the presentation question, on the word processor. I presented all my answers one after the other on the same word processer window, and in order in which they were asked. However, I did skip ahead to start with my favourite question. Each answer was clearly labelled, e.g., “Task 1. a.”, Task 1. b.”, etc., and I highlighted this in bold. I also used the table function to separate each answer with a box. The function to draw a line across the page doesn’t work properly to do this. The table function was a good alternative. However, when creating the box, make sure there is an empty space after the box before you create it so that you can type the next answer. Otherwise, your next answer will type into the box you just created and you will have to delete the box.
Also, if your answer needs points/recommendations from two sides or perspectives, e.g., advantages and disadvantages, financial and non-financial, identified risks and risk migitation measures, etc, use the table function again to create a well presented and logical answer.
Layout is a big part of getting the pass or fail and it needs practice. Do as many exam questions as you can under a time limit to get this right so you are not wasting time on this issue in the real exam itself.
February 8th 2022
February 15th 2022
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Thank you so much cant tell how much your answer has helped .. One thing more how to add more slides?? i cant add slides..
From my experience, if the question asked, “prepare 2 slides and accompanying notes...” then the answer window for slides will only have 2 slides and 2 notes spaces. If the question asks for only 1 slide and accompanying notes, then the answer window will only have 1 slide space and 1 notes space. So my understanding from reviewing passed and sample exams on the CBE system is that ACCA will give you the exact amount of slides you need for the exam you are attempting.
But maybe you should confirm this with ACCA or an approved tutor directly as I’m just assuming this is how they prepare the exams based on what I saw during my studies.
Thank you so much for all your help .I have one more question which is chapter 23 of sbl is financial decision making consists most topics from PM syllabus like correlation time series .Do we have to perform these in exams ?
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