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Which paper should I take along with FM(F9)

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Which paper should I take along with FM(F9)
Dear everybody,

I've completed F1-F4, and just gave FR in this march session. For the coming June session I wish to take 2 papers. I want to take FM but cannot decide on the second paper. I'm confused between F8 (AA) and F6(TAX). Which one would be better?
March 16th 2022 AN ACCA USER

Retagged March 16th 2022

2 Replies

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Hi, have you watched our pathway videos on the ACCA Student YouTube channel? They're designed to help you plan a route through qualification. Click here to access.

There's also a section of the ACCA website dedicated to this. It includes resources such as our Compass planning tool - click here.

Hope this helps. Best of luck with your studies!

March 18th 2022 AN ACCA USER
0 Votes
F8 is best.f6 and f9 are both lengthy and numeric. While f8 is theoratic. Choose combination of theoratic and numeric papers. But before doing f8 f7/fr must be attempted
April 14th 2022 AN ACCA USER
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