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BT Exam Kit

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BT Exam Kit
Do I need an exam kit to pass this exam?

Where can I find past papers?
April 19th 2022 AN ACCA USER

Retagged April 19th 2022

2 Replies

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Hi there. We strongly recommend that you study with an Approved Learning Partner - students who do so perform much better in the exams. For the Applied Knowledge exams, you may wish to study with our interactive ACCA-X courses (click here for more information). 

ACCA offers Practice Tests (click here) which replicate the on-demand exam experience. They are an excellent study support resource that help you successfully pass your exams. There are also free study resources on the ACCA website. 

Hope that helps. Good luck with your exams :)

April 20th 2022 AN ACCA USER
Thank you, are the practice tests currently free still?
They aren't free currently, that offer has now expired. For BT, you can buy one test for £7 or a set of three for £14. They can be purchased via your MyACCA account.

More details here:
Hello. I'm currently studying for the applied knowledge BT exam with an platinum approved learning partner. The course is explained very well and they have also given us bpp to practice. But for MA and FA I am considering to stop and study it via the ACCA-X course and buy a bpp revision practice and revision kit to do some practice. As the ACCA-X fees is lower than the learning partner fees.
Does it seem a good approach to pass the exams. Or is it better to stick to the platitum learning partner despite the fees.
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Hi Pheona have you managed to find past papers in this course Business Technology ? If you have, I am kindly asking that you help me with them.
August 22nd 2022 AN ACCA USER

Edited August 22th 2022 AN ACCA USER
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