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Looking for a AA study buddy re September 2022 - it has to be face to face (not online) - LONDON

+1 Vote
June 4th 2022 AN ACCA USER

Retagged June 4th 2022

1 Reply

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Hello I am Interested .
June 12th 2022 AN ACCA USER
Hi Shivam

I am usually studying Thursdays and Saturdays (full days, with few exceptions - can you do that?). I use South Woodford library as it is open 7 days (including bank holidays) and very long hours.

As a style, I am working on workbook, then jump to practice kit as it matches the workbook and back and forth. I am self studying but I am open to tuition with BPP if necessary.

I am looking for a buddy so that we push each other when dropping motivation or accumulating the "fed up" feeling and to help each other with understanding content better.

Please let me know if above suits you.

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