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EPSM Peer Review - site not responding

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EPSM Peer Review - site not responding
I'm trying to complete my peer reviews for unit 8 and the site seems to freeze when I try to submit my assessment - nothing has happened for about 10 mins - however my time left to review is still counting down...?
September 4th 2022 AN ACCA USER

1 Reply

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I'm also facing the same issue, have you find any solution?
September 6th 2022 AN ACCA USER
Reply from ACCA:

Some minor technical issues can be resolved by deleting your temporary internet files and cookies.`Cookies' are small files that help your computer to navigate around websites.
If this doesn't fix the issue or you're receiving an error message, please provide me with the information below and we'll investigate:
URL: the URL you're having issues with
Details of web browser: being used: e.g. Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari
Operating system: e.g. macOS, Android, Windows 10 Device being used: e.g. Mobile/desktop/laptop or tablet
Location trying to access from: e.g. home, office or ACCA
Exact location of issue within the module: e.g. EPSM – Peer Assessment stage or the specific unit and section e.g. Unit 1, Section 4 and Sub-section 1; where possible please send a screenshot(s)
Clear description of previous steps taken to try and resolve the issue
Description of steps taken to arrive at error message
Number of times you've tried to access and on what date, e.g. have you tried to access more than once as the issue may have been resolved since you last checked
Are you on a VPN or Proxy connection?
If you're unable to provide the above information, this may delay how quickly we can resolve your issue.
If you’re accessing EPSM via a work computer and if using corporate VPN system this shouldn’t be a problem in most cases but organizations with strict firewalls may cause you to encounter problems accessing EPSM via VPN .
Please use another more direct way of accessing or by using another device.
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