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SBR mar23 ,Whatsapp group for discussion

+2 Votes
SBR mar23 ,Whatsapp group for discussion
Hi , I am Ali from PK, I am taking SBR in mar23. It may seem a little late but for quick and thorough revision of every/most topic, different people should be asking different questions from each other, in this way every participant is being exposed by different parts of syllabus which leads to keeping every/most topics fresh in mind. Its win/win for every participant. I believe "if u cannot explain it simply, u don't understand it well enough"-Einstein, So I am in need of Study buddy/buddies who do not hesitate to ask stupid questions and are willing to dive deep for the sake of understandings of topics , bcz "once u ask a stupid question, u are not stupid anymore"-jordan peterson. If I will be able to find more than one buddy , a whatsapp group will be made. Reach me through whatsapp:+92-324-0699849.
January 23rd 2023 AN ACCA USER

Retagged January 23th 2023

2 Replies

0 Votes
Hi Ali,

Which attempt are you aiming to sit this exam for?
January 29th 2023 AN ACCA USER
Actually never mind, just realised it was mentioned in your Post title :D
I am interesting in getting in touch for the sake of exam preperation, what do u say?
Yeah sure. Do you have telegram?
0 Votes
Hi, Yeah sure. Do you have telegram?
January 30th 2023 AN ACCA USER
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