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March exam session: 2 weeks to go

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March exam session: 2 weeks to go

As we approach the March exam session, let's get ready and keep motivated as a community.

Question practice is key and this week ACCA released new mock exams to support your preparation for the March exams. Click here to find out more.

Make sure to:

  • Access the pre-March mock via the ACCA Practice Platform to practice exam style questions to time.
  • Debrief your answers thoroughly - look out for ACCA's debrief videos from expert tutors.
  • Familiarise yourself with the exam environment, to be better prepared on exam day.

Follow this link to read the mind of a FM marker and get an understanding of what they're looking for in your answers.

Keep up the good work!

February 21st 2023 AN ACCA USER

Retagged February 21th 2023

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