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Advice for the f5 paper

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Advice for the f5 paper
Hi. Actually, this is my 4th attempt for the PM paper, I really don't know to pass this paper in my September sitting. Any advice please feeling very discouraged.
August 6th 2023 AN ACCA USER

Retagged August 6th 2023

1 Reply

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Hi Tiziana. It's common to feel overwhelmed but there's still time to study and revise effectively ahead of the September exam. Here are some links that will help:

  • PM InFocus webinar (with expert tutor): click here to register 
  • PM mock exam and debrief videos (released on 14th Aug): click here for more info
  • Examining team guidance: click here to access

Question practice is key and should definitely be part of your study plan. Use the ACCA Practice Platform - we know that students who do generally perform better in the real exam. 

Keep going - you're doing great. Best of luck :)

August 7th 2023 AN ACCA USER
If i start revising as from tomorrow will i be able to complete all chapters before exam day
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