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Greetings ACCA learning community,

I have recently thought of joining apprenticeships as a way to complete my ACCA qualification and re-learn all that I've forgotten of my examinations (f7-f9). I'm around 25 years of age, do you think I'll be able to join apprenticeships in the UK where I'll be taught the basics once again and have the opportunity to complete my remaining Strategic Professional examinations?

Kind regards
September 12th 2023 AN ACCA USER

Retagged September 12th 2023

1 Reply

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Hi Saayed,

I don't believe age would impact adversely on your eligibility to study Acca via Apprenticeship route. It depends on the institution you join whether you would be eligible to relearn F7,8 and 9 (Assuming you are exempt).

Where are you based ?
September 30th 2023 AN ACCA USER
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