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employment sign off

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employment sign off
Hey, ACCA community

i graduated in 2019, then imediately fall into seizure and psychosis.

So I working in sick up to 2023 May. Right now fully recovered.

Throughout the period i have 11 employment

right now is 12th employment

all exptrapolated accumulated 3 month ,sustain 36 month membership.

The performance objective is achievable, already quite SME level,other than making nice good will on wording of audit report.

May i ask for 12 employment, how should i sign off it?. All related to audit. 2 employment is in commercial firm, but also doing internal audit job.

One by one seek back each employer for timing sign off?
September 15th 2023 AN ACCA USER

Retagged September 15th 2023

1 Reply

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Hi Junwen. You need to add each relevant employer and role into the PER recording tool, along with details of your supervisor for each role. You also need to get each period signed off by the appropriate supervisor.

Periods when you were not working due to ill health, or extended periods of absence from work on sick leave, do not count towards the 36 months - nor do short periods of employment i.e. less than one month.

You may benefit from joining our webinar next week in which the ACCA team will share information on PER and you'll have a chance to ask them questions. Click here to register.

Hope this helps :)

September 15th 2023 AN ACCA USER
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