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PM Webinar for December Diet

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PM Webinar for December Diet
Hi, I plan on writing PM in december 2023 so Id like to register for any upcoming webinar relating to PM. can someone help with the link to registration or tell me how to register for a webinar, if there any. Thanks in advance.
September 18th 2023 AN ACCA USER

Retagged September 18th 2023

1 Reply

+1 Vote

Hi Ayomide, we'll be running PM InFocus webinars closer to the December exam session. Once you've booked your exam, you'll be on the list to receive our InSession emails starting with five weeks to go - keep an eye out for these as they'll contain details and useful links for upcoming webinars and other resources. 

In the meantime, you can take a look at the PM playlist on our student YouTube channel: click here to access. Also, there are on-demand webinars available, including the most recent PM session with an expert tutor: click here to watch now.

Best of luck with your studies!

September 20th 2023 AN ACCA USER
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