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Unexpectedly bad result for my LW-ENG

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Unexpectedly bad result for my LW-ENG
I prepared long and well for my LW-ENG exam. When I was attempting my exam I was feeling confident with my answers. However, it was so shocking to get 42% and I have no idea why. I even finished my exam 30 minutes before the deadline. Can somebody tell me why something like this could happen?
January 12th 2024 AN ACCA USER

Retagged January 14th 2024

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It must be frustrating but remember ACCA exams are challenging and you’re not alone! 

It’s important to reflect and be as honest with yourself as possible – look at every stage of exam preparation and try to identify areas for improvement. Did you have enough time to dedicate to your studies, including question practice and revision? Were there significant gaps in your technical knowledge and did you answer all of the requirements? 

You may wish to join our live Q&A session on Tuesday next week, designed for students who have been unsuccessful in their recent exam. You can submit questions to the ACCA in advance - click here to register - Isobel, Community Manager

January 16th 2024 AN ACCA USER
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