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Quiz unit 7

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Quiz unit 7

Good afternoon,

I am trying to do the unit 7 quiz but, without success.

Are you able to help with the  question 1 and 2?

1- What would be the predicted sales with the following data:



2-How much additional profit would be generated if $250,000 were spent on automated ticket barrier investment? 


Best regards,



February 5th 2024 AN ACCA USER

Recategorized April 12th 2024

3 Replies

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Hi all - just a reminder not to share answers on the Learning Community. You can however explain how you approached this or similar questions to help each other understand how to solve them :)
February 6th 2024 AN ACCA USER
what about if we could not find the answer
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Hello Celia, a fellow student, and now affiliate here. I was struggling with the same unit. Initially I made it through guess work, however on a look back on the unit, the section under type of analytics explains it well. Hint: look at the section under the barbeque sales example, where they give a formula "y=a+bX+cX..."
February 6th 2024 AN ACCA USER
Hi Ayush,

Many thanks for the information.

Best regards,
i use the formula , still unable to get the answer
Further information and tips on how to tackle this quiz can be found here
can you please explain further. I used the excel sheet to answer the first question in the quiz yet it was not right
i use this equation. my answer is in negative My cofficient are such as intercept  -63964.57,xi234 x20.406,x3 1.13,x4 11779.3 please help out is this correct and what about the 2nd question and 4th on
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July 9th 2024 AN ACCA USER
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