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Hi I hope everyone is feeling great after the March 2024 attempt. I would like to ask the community regarding AAA. If I want to apply for a Consultancy company or an Audit firm, is it compulsory requirement to have AAA or is SBR knowledge sufficient. Your responses are much appreciated. Thank you and best wishes in advance.
March 12th 2024 AN ACCA USER

Retagged March 12th 2024

1 Reply

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I don't think that It will be a necessity to have this paper if you strongly demonstrate in the interview that you know Auditing in depth. That said, I do believe that having attemped AAA will give you and the interviewer more confidence regarding your knowledge in the said field.

Moreover as I said you will anyways need to prepare Audit thoroughly before sitting in the interview so I believe that attempting AAA will be a recommended item.

I would also recommend you to get a second opinion as I don't sit on the other side of the table and as such my knowledge on recruitment process may be limited. 

May 6th 2024 AN ACCA USER
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